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Crafting Great Connections: More Than Just Wires

At The Electrician, our work is more than circuits and switches. Our new slogan, "Crafting Great Connections", speaks to the core of who we are and what we strive to build both electrically and personally.

On one hand, we create reliable, efficient electrical connections that power you home and projects, ensuring safety, functionality, and innovation in every job. But on the other hand, it's the human connections we build that truly define us.

Every project is an opportunity to forge trust, share knowledge, and connect with you on a deeper level. We're not just providing a service, we're building relationships that last, with homeowners, families, and our community.

Because in the end, the most powerful connections aren't just in the wires we install. They're in the bond we create with the people we serve. Together, let's craft something meaningful both in your home and in our connection to yo.

Electrifying Insights

Panel Changes

Is your electrical panel old or outdated? Some panels from back in the day are not only discontinued, but also dangerous. If you have one of these panels, it’s important to know the risks and get it replaced to keep your home safe.

Why Are Some Electrical Panels Dangerous?

Over the years, we’ve learned that certain electrical panels don’t hold up well. Some brands, like Federal Pacific, Zinsco, and Challenger, are known for causing fires and other safety problems. These panels were once popular, but they have since been found to have major flaws. For example, the breakers might not trip when there’s an overload, meaning too much electricity is flowing through the wires. When this happens, wires can overheat and cause a fire.

Another issue with these old panels is that the parts may wear out or get damaged over time. If your panel is really old, it could even be hard to find replacement parts when something goes wrong. You don’t want to be stuck with a panel that can’t be properly repaired.

Signs You May Need a Panel Change

How do you know if your panel is dangerous or outdated? Here are some signs to look out for:

  • Your lights flicker or dim when you use certain appliances.
  • You smell something burning, especially near the electrical panel.
  • You hear buzzing sounds from the panel.
  • The panel is warm to the touch.
  • You have breakers that trip constantly or don’t trip when they should.

If you notice any of these signs, it’s time to call a licensed electrician. They can inspect your panel and let you know if it needs to be replaced.

Why You Should Replace a Dangerous Panel

Replacing a dangerous electrical panel can protect your home from fires, electrical shocks, and other hazards. Plus, modern panels are designed to handle the electrical needs of today’s homes, with all the gadgets and appliances we use. If you plan to sell your house, buyers may also ask for an inspection, and having an old or unsafe panel could delay the sale.

Don’t wait until it’s too late. If you think your electrical panel may be outdated or dangerous, schedule an inspection with a licensed electrician today.

Tamper Resistant Receptacles

Do you have a child or are currently remodeling your home? You might want to switch out your old electrical outlets for tamper-resistant ones. Since 2008, the National Electrical Code (NEC) requires these in new homes and for any outlet replacements during remodels.

Why Are Tamper-Resistant Outlets Required?

Electrical outlets within reach of children are a big safety concern. Old child-proofing methods, like outlet caps, don’t always work. Curious kids can pull them out, and they’re also a choking hazard or something you could painfully step on!

Sliding covers aren’t much better. Kids learn by watching adults, so if they see you sliding the cover to plug something in, they might try to do the same.

Tamper-resistant outlets are different. You need two things plugged in at the same time to let electricity flow. The NEC decided to make them mandatory because they’ve been proven to be safer. While no outlet is 100% kid-proof, these help a lot.

Benefits of Tamper-Resistant Outlets

The main reason to install tamper-resistant outlets is to keep your family safe. They reduce the risk of electrocution and prevent electrical fires caused by kids poking things into the outlets.

In older outlets, if a child sticks something in there, it could spark a fire. That’s because heat can build up inside the outlet, eventually causing the wires to burn and catch the wall on fire.

Why Hire a Professional?

Switching out outlets for tamper-resistant ones should be done by a licensed electrician. Here’s why:

  • Licensed electricians are insured and trained, making sure the job is done safely.
  • An expert can show you other options, like outlets with built-in USB ports, which are great for kitchens, living rooms, or bedrooms.
  • If an unlicensed person does the work, insurance companies might not cover any damages.
  • If you sell your home, buyers may require an inspection of every outlet. If they find out it wasn’t done by a licensed electrician, you may have to pay for the work to be redone, delaying the sale.

If you’re ready to upgrade to tamper-resistant outlets, leave it to the pros. Schedule an appointment today to make sure it’s done safely and correctly.

Home Surge Protectors

Have you ever had a power surge in your home? Maybe you noticed your lights flicker, or your electronics suddenly stopped working. Power surges can happen at any time, and they can seriously damage your appliances and electronics. That’s why having a whole-home surge protector is a smart idea.

What Causes Power Surges?

Power surges are sudden increases in electrical current. They can be caused by lightning strikes, problems with the power grid, or even when large appliances, like air conditioners or refrigerators, turn on and off. These surges send a spike of electricity through your home’s wiring, which can fry your electronics if they’re not protected.

Some people use surge protector power strips for their computers or TVs, but those only protect individual devices. They also don’t always work when a major surge happens. A whole-home surge protector is installed directly into your electrical panel, and it protects everything in your home from sudden surges.

How a Whole-Home Surge Protector Works

A whole-home surge protector monitors the electrical current coming into your home. When it senses a spike, it blocks or diverts the extra electricity before it can reach your outlets and appliances. This keeps your devices safe from damage.

Even small power surges, ones you might not notice, can add up over time and wear down your electronics. A whole-home surge protector helps stop this kind of damage too, so you get more life out of your appliances.

Why Install a Whole-Home Surge Protector?

There are a few big reasons to install a whole-home surge protector:

  • Protect your electronics: Computers, TVs, gaming consoles, and other electronics are expensive to replace. A surge protector helps keep them safe.
  • Prevent damage to appliances: Your fridge, microwave, washer, and dryer are all at risk during a power surge. Replacing big appliances can be costly, but a surge protector can prevent that.
  • Peace of mind: You never know when a power surge will happen. A whole-home surge protector makes sure your home is protected all the time, even when you’re not there.

A licensed electrician can install a whole-home surge protector for you. It’s a small investment that can save you thousands of dollars in the long run by protecting your home’s electrical system and everything connected to it. Don’t wait until a surge hits—get protected today!

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